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Thrift Shops


This post was scheduled before the Covid 19 outbreak. Call head to your local thrift shop before visiting or donating.

August 17th is National Thrift Shop Day! When you think of thrift shops you probably think of small, quiet stores with rows of clothes organized haphazardly. Thrift shops can be great for finding clothes and furniture at a discount, but they offer so much more…  

In addition to discounted games and books, the Ann Arbor Thrift Shop also offers emergency aid for clothing, housing, utility bills, medical or dental care, car repair or transportation (must be a social service agency caseworker to apply).  

Although not technically a thrift store, House by the Side of the Road is worth mentioning because they offer free clothing and small household items to people in need. 

The Ypsilanti Thrift Shop is tucked away in downtown Ypsilanti, but it’s worth the trip. Open since 1942, their net proceeds go back into the community (they donated $72,000 in 2018!). They have a social worker on site who can accept vouchers from other agencies.  

Kiwanis Club offers vouchers for home goods (must be a social agency caseworker trained by Kiwanis to apply).  

Visit the Ahead of the Curve Resource Directory to find thrift stores in your community. 

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