May 25th is National Senior Health and Fitness Day! Today on the blog we’re going to focus on senior health by speaking with Sandi Valenti, social work advocate at Trinity Health Senior Health (formerly IHA Senior Health). Trinity Health Senior Health provides support to aging adults and caregivers by offering a comprehensive assessment, developing a plan and making connections to local resources. Sandi discusses what Trinity Health Senior Health offers, how to get started, and shares her tips for self-care for caregivers.
Ahead of the Curve: If you had to give an “elevator speech” about what your organization does, how would you describe it?
Sandi Valenti: Our mission is to provide access to comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and integrated health care for our senior community. We have teamed with our primary care physicians to focus on the wellness and healthy aging of our geriatric population by integrating our clinical expertise with established Trinity Health IHA Medical Group CARES values. We are committed to providing quality care, acting as advocates for our patients, ensuring our patients always feel that they are respected as individuals, caring for our patients in an efficient and cost-effective manner, and we are dedicated to service excellence to both our internal and external customers. Each patient receives an in-depth assessment and recommendations for care or resources to enhance the quality of life. An IHA Senior Health visit may be beneficial for general aging concerns, questions about memory loss, concerns about falling, consideration of change in living situation, assistance with advance care planning and concerns about depression or isolation.
AOTC: Walk me through the step-by-step process. What happens when you get a phone call/referral?
SV: Patients will receive a referral to Trinity Health IHA Senior Health from their physician/provider. The patient will be contacted by our reception team within 48 hours to schedule an initial appointment with one of our geriatric specialists. After the assessment, the care team will develop recommendations which will be shared with the patient and referring provider. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to review the recommendations and include community resources as needed.
AOTC: What organizations do you work closely with?
SV: Trinity Health IHA Medical Group works with community partners like Saint Joseph Mercy Health System and Michigan Medicine, giving us a deeper understanding of managed care, while allowing us to act as advocates for patients finding the best possible care. We work closely with our county partners, including Washtenaw County Community Mental Health. We have close relationships with many community agencies, including but not limited to the Alzheimer’s association, Huron Valley PACE Program, Jewish Family Services, Catholic Charities Washtenaw County, Ypsilanti and other neighboring Meals on Wheels programs, Probility Physical Therapy and Eastern Michigan University department of Psychology. These relationships allow us to provide comprehensive care to our patients.
AOTC: What are some things you wish the public knew about your role?
SV: The geriatric team provides exemplary multidisciplinary care and services to our older adults. Our team includes physicians, nurse practitioner, social worker, medical assistant staff and a medical receptionist. All our staff are trained and have a special interest in working with older adults. We offer home visits appointments to patients residing in Washtenaw County that may have barriers with office appointments. Patients at Trinity Health IHA Senior Health have access to social work services, starting with their first visit. The social worker takes part in the multi-disciplinary assessment; identifying social influences of health, providing education about memory loss, depression and other health issues and what to expect, strategizing ways to cope with changes, coaching caregivers/partners with caregiving role, and assisting with information and referral to community resources. We have partnered and trained with the Alzheimer’s Association to provide a monthly Caregiver Support Group; the meetings are open to the community.
AOTC: What tips do you have for caregivers or older adults that may need geriatric care?
SV: Each year, more than 16 million Americans provide more than 17 billion hours of unpaid care for family and friends with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
1. Know that you are not alone. There are people that understand what you are going through, and help is available.
2. Speak to your primary care physician about your concerns and start building a care team.
3. Take care of your physical, social, and spiritual health.
AOTC: Is there anything you would like to add?
SV: The physicians at Trinity Health IHA Senior Health provide expert and efficient care for their patients. We specialize in the comprehensive assessment and treatment of adults over the age 65, our group of highly trained providers consists of board-certified physicians and an experienced nurse practitioner who specialize in treating the specific problems related to older adults. Aishah Raffee, DO, AGSF/Site Director has special interest in healthy aging, incorporating mindfulness, exercise and nutrition into therapy. Alvin Vargas, DO’s interests include healthy aging, preventative and integrative medicine. Finally, Amy Bakalar, CNP is interested in cardiology, gut dysfunction, diabetes and pulmonary disorders. Assessments are covered by Medicare and Medicare supplemental insurance and most insurance plans. Deductibles and copays may apply.
The geriatric population is growing and at IHA Senior Health we strive to provide the best care for the older adult community.
Thank you to Sandi Valenti for sharing information about this important community resource! You can learn more about Trinity Health IHA Senior Health by visiting their website or calling their office at (734) 712-9968.