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Spotlight: Ann Arbor Senior Center


Earlier this month on the blog we covered the benefits of Parks and Recreation programs for National Park and Recreation Month. It’s common for cities and townships to run their senior center/senior programming through their Parks and Recreation departments; Ann Arbor is no exception. Today we’ll be exploring all that the Ann Arbor Senior Center has to offer with Brittany Patton, Ann Arbor Recreation Supervisor.   


Senior Resource Connect: If you had to give an “elevator speech” about what your organization does, how would you describe it? 

Brittany Patton: The Ann Arbor Senior Center offers a range of programs, services, and social activities to empower and engage older adults in healthy and meaningful ways. Our goal is to provide programs and services that promote fitness and activity, reduce the risk of adverse health events, and provide recreational and cultural experiences that can improve physical stamina and maintain cognitive functioning. We strive to make healthy activities fun while providing access to wellness information and support for older people and their families. 


SRC: Walk me through the step-by-step process. What happens when you get a phone call/referral? 

BP: Answer and say hello, our name, ask “how can we help you?” Once we understand what the inquiry is regarding, we will either inform them about an upcoming workshop we are hosting that is relevant to their request, reference one of the community partners we work with (these are organizations or businesses that provide free educational workshops at the center), or reference the Catholic Social Services Senior Resource Directory (we will either email them a link or copy of the directory. If they don’t use the computer we can mail them a copy, but while we are on the phone with them, we will give them the numbers to organizations to reach out to. We’ll also share the Washtenaw County Senior Leaders page of Resources & Members. 

Once we have shared all of the information we have on hand, we let them know that if the resources we shared aren’t able to help or answer their question, call us back and we will research where else we can hunt for support. 


SRC: What organizations do you work closely with?  

BP: Too many to count! To give an idea, here is a list of members of Washtenaw County Senior Leaders who have all worked with the center. I am actually the Vice President of WCSL, so I’m familiar with most organizations listed. 


SRC: What are some things you wish the public knew about your role? 

BP: The Ann Arbor Senior Center is a part of the City of Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation department, which offers a scholarship program to income eligible individuals. With a scholarship, seniors can receive a free membership to our center and enjoy most activities free of charge in addition to free or discounted passes to other Parks facilities. We have a medical loan closet and take donations of walkers and other ADA items that we can give out to anyone who needs one. Finally, we are very supportive of people’s curiosity. If we have a program that you are interested in, we would love for you to try it, no strings attached. We’re happy to support your decision to continue with that activity, or disenroll and try something else. 


SRC: What tips do you have for someone with a loved one who could benefit from attending a senior center? 

BP: Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance. I think the biggest struggle facing senior serving organizations is that there is not enough awareness of what resources are available and out there. That being said, my biggest piece of advice is to educate yourself now- don’t wait! So many people, myself included, have found themselves in situations where you’re forced to quickly learn about what resources to tap into because you are facing an immediate need that needs to be addressed unexpectedly. If you understand where you can turn should specific needs arise, you’ll be able to make informed decisions that will result in your most ideal outcome. All of our educational programs are open to the public (age 18+) so that younger adults can learn and have awareness of what needs might lie ahead. 


SRC: Is there anything you would like to add? 

BP: Thank you for giving us this opportunity to share! 


Thank you to Brittany for sharing information about this important community resource! You can learn more about the Ann Arbor Senior Center by calling (734) 794-6250 or visiting their website.   


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