Ash Wednesday, Fresh Starts, and Second Chances
When I was a little girl, I was smitten with the Anne of Green Gables series of books. This more than 100-year-old series about the adventures– and misadventures– of a Canadian farmgirl, was full of all kinds of inspiration, and I felt a deep connection with their main character, Anne Shirley. A line from those books that I carry with me still is “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it yet.” I have shared this quote with many people over the years, and I’ve certainly said it to myself, to remind me that every day is a fresh start and a new beginning.
Ash Wednesday, which begins the season of Lent for Christians around the world, is a perfect time to pause, reflect, and embrace a fresh start. The Lenten season, with its focus on prayer, fasting, and giving, is a beautiful opportunity to share with others and to discern our own priorities. It is also a time to reflect, with gratitude, on the infinite number of fresh starts our loving God gives us as we try—over and over again– to become the best version of ourselves in this life as we prepare for the next one. I humbly offer a few thoughts that I hope will be helpful to you on your Lenten journey:
Clear out the Clutter: While many of us start to think of spring cleaning at this time of year, think of a different kind of spring cleaning. Are there habits that are not serving you, or bringing you closer to God? Now is a good time to hit “pause” on them, and to replace them with habits that help you grow.
Take time for gratitude: Lent is a time for additional focus on prayer. Take time during the day to notice the many gifts in your life and thank God for them.
Share generously: Research shows that giving doesn’t just help the recipient—it makes a real difference for the giver. Think of new ways that you can share your time, treasure, and talent to help others.
I hope that your Lent is full of opportunities for you to share love, second chances, and generosity, and that you are filled with awe with the beauty of spring, new beginnings, and fresh starts!
Sunnie Johnson-Lain
President and CEO, Catholic Charities Washtenaw County