
Welcome to the Senior Resource Connect blog. You can visit the blog each Wednesday at 10am for the latest information about aging, caregiving, COVID, and local resources.

Don’t hit snooze on these sleep facts


March is Sleep Awareness Month! We’ve talked about sleep before on the blog. There are some serious misconceptions about sleeping and aging, which is what we’ll take a look at today.

True or False: Older adults need less sleep.

FALSE! Per the National Institute on Aging:

As people age, they may find themselves having a harder time falling and staying asleep. A common misconception is that a person’s sleep needs decline with age. Older adults need the same amount of sleep as all adults — 7 to 9 hours each night. Getting enough sleep keeps you healthy and alert. Adequate sleep can also help reduce your risk of falls, improve your overall mental well-being, and have many other benefits.

True or False: Having issues with sleep is a normal part of aging.

FALSE! According to a study by the National Poll on Healthy Aging, 54% of older adults they surveyed reported that they thought having poor sleep was a natural part of aging. Due to this belief, only 1 in 4 of those that reported having issues sleeping discussed it with their doctor. While there are some natural changes that happen due to aging (e.g., changes to circadian rhythms resulting in going to bed and waking earlier, taking naps during the day, etc.), consistent issues could be worth further investigation.

What could be causing sleep issues?

Sleep Tips for Seniors

Sleep Safety

Sweet dreams!

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